Complexity, or the “study of complex systems” has emerged as a new science - often called Nonlinear Science - from the need to understand complicated problems of the Natural and Social Sciences. These problems generally involve many mutually interacting variables and are characterized by unpredictable time evolution and/or highly intricate spatial patterns. In recent years, efforts to solve such problems have concentrated upon the use of analytical and numerical methods of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Chaos Theory and Fractal Geometry. 

This year, the 22nd Summer School will take place at the House of Science in Patras, Greece, July 15 – July 24, 2009 and will continue as a Conference at the University of Chieti – Pescara, Pescara, Italy, 27 -31 July, 2009. Graduate (and advanced undergraduate) students are invited to submit an application for admission. Nearly 50 of them will be accepted to attend the lectures of the Summer School. The 20 of them who will perform best at the Summer School will be invited to attend the Conference in Italy and awarded free student housing at the University of Chieti – Pescara.

Organizing Scientific Committee:

T. Bountis (Chairman)University of Patras

Sp. Pnevmatikos University of Patras

K. Hizanidis National Technical University of Athens,

L. VlahosAristotle University of Thessaloniki

A. ProvataNational Research Center “Demokritos”

G. TsironisUniversity of Crete

International Scientific Committee:

Angela de SanctisUniversity of Chieti Pescara

Carlo Mari              University of Chieti Pescara

Vittorio Pizzella.              University of Chieti Pescara

Manuel G. VelardeComplutense University of Madrid

Tassos Bountis              University of Patras



Information and Applications:

Prof Tassos Bountis, Department of Mathematics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece 26500 Phone/Fax +30 2610 997381,  , ,

Prof. A. de Sanctis, Department of Quantitative and Statistical Methods, University Chieti Pescara, Pescara, Italy,

Application Form


22nd Summer School-


"Nonlinear Science

and Complexity"

Patras and Pescara, July 15 – 31, 2009