General Information
General Information
Special Topics in Complex Systems
Fall Semester 2009-2010
The lectures take place on usually Mondays, in the afternoon, at 13:00-16:00. The location is the National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, in the common seminar room of the Institutes of Physical-Chemistry and Biology.
The course schedule concludes a regular class with 48 hours of lectures. The course is organized by the COSA group and is part of the curriculum of the Institutes of Physical Chemistry, Biology and Nuclear Physics, NCSR “Demokritos” and is also included in the curriculum of the Master Course on “Mathematical Modeling in Modern Technologies and Economics” of the National Technical University of Athens. It can also be used as a graduate course of 4 credit points in the graduate schools (Master classes) of Science University Departments and Polytechnic Schools.
This semester the first lecture is scheduled for Monday, October 12, 2009, at 13:00-16:00, in the common seminar room of the Institutes of Physical-Chemistry and Biology at “Demokritos”.
1.Fractals (2 weeks, 6 hours)
Instructor: Astero Provata, National Center for Scientific Research
2.Dynamical Systems: Hamitonian Dynamics (2 weeks, 6 hours)
Instructor: Yannis Kominis, National Technical University of Athens
3.Dynamical Systems: Chaos and Non-Hamiltonian Dynamics (2 weeks, 6 hours)
Instructor: Vassilis Rothos, University of Thessaloniki
4.Time Series Analysis (2 weeks, 6 hours)
Instructor: Dimitris Kugiumtzis, University of Thessaloniki
5.Game Theory (2 weeks, 6 hours)
Instructor: Ioannis Nicolis, University of Patras
6.Nonlinear Waves in Discreet and Continuous Media (2 weeks, 6 hours)
Instructors: Tassos Bountis, University of Patras and Vassilis Rothos, University of Thessaloniki
7.Numerical Simulations of Complex Nanostructured Materials and Processes ( 1 week, 3 hours)
Instructor: Popi Trohidou, National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”
8.Numerical Simulations of Complex Nanostructured Materials and Processes (continued) ( 1 week, 3 hours)
Instructor: Vassilis Konstantoudis, National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”
9.Biological Complexity( 1 week, 3 hours)
Instructor: Yannis Almirantis, National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”
10. Complexity and Percolation in Porrous Media (2 weeks, 6 hours)
Instructor: Michalis Kainourgiakis, National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”
Y. Almirantis (NCSR “Demokritos), tel. +30-210-6503619
Μ. Axenides, (NCSR “Demokritos), tel. +30-210-6503440
Τ. Bountis (Univ. of Patras), tel. +30-2610-997381
Α. Provata (NCSR “Demokritos), tel. +30-210-6503964
Th. Stubos (NCSR “Demokritos), tel. +30-210-6503447
G. Tsironis (Univ. of Crete), tel. +30-2810-394220
Κ. Hizanides (N.T.U.A.), tel. +30-210-7722469